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New version of declaration 394, according to Order no. 3281/2020, is available in Sage X3 in Romania

In the Official Gazette no. 764 of August 21, 2020  was published the Order no. 3281 of August 19, 2020 for the amendment of the Order of the President of ANAF no. 3769/2015 regarding the declaration of deliveries/services and acquisitions made on the national territory by the persons registered for VAT purposes and for the approval of the model and content of the informative declaration regarding the deliveries/services and acquisitions made on the national territory by the persons registered for VAT purposes.

The reason to introduce this change in the 394 form is represented by the increase of transactions with affiliates and the extensive activity of multinational companies.

In addition to the previous form of this statement, taxpayers now have to declare if during the reporting period they had transactions with their affiliated parties or not, starting with the transactions carried out in September 2020.

According to the Order, starting with the statement for September 2020 (submitted in October), the following change is made: signaling in the form the transactions with the affiliates during the reporting period, by checking with YES or NO the box related to these transactions, on the first page of the form.

The deadline for submission, with Tax Authority, of declaration for September 2020 fiscal period, is October 30th, 2020.

It is official! DEVEHO Romanian localisation pack is updated with the New version of declaration 394.

Available in Sage X3 V11 and V12, we are ready to support you in these major developments. In DEVEHO “Add-on”, an interface linked to the ANAF.


New button added in Romania 394 declaration screen:  ‘’Transactions with subsidiaries’’

Check this button if in the fiscal period, the Company performed transaction with affiliated persons.

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