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In a context of concern about the risk of energy shortages in the coming months, OVHcloud stands by your side to allow you to anticipate and help you to preserve the continuity of your business.

In a context of concern about the risk of energy shortages in the coming months, OVHcloud stands by your side to allow you to anticipate and help you to preserve the continuity of your business.

The use of one or more electrical load shedding during the winter, i.e. a voluntary, temporary and localized interruption of the supply of electricity to part of the electricity network, is an assumption that we can no longer rule out.

The rules for possible load-shedding and the associated prioritization criteria are laid down in an order of 5 July 1990, which provides that:

Where it appears that the supply of electricity is liable to be compromised:

  • Decreases in the frequency of power grids below 49 Hz;
  • Or by voltage drops such as at certain points of the networks at 400 and 225kV the voltage drops below the respective values of 380 and 210 kV;
  • Or by abnormal overloads on transport or distribution without possible carry-over to other works;
  • Or by the fact that normal operating conditions, including obligations resulting from agreements between interconnected networks, cannot be ensured…

Organizations and establishments providing electricity may temporarily restrict or suspend supplies to all or part of the users, provided that the essential needs of the nation are met… Where such load shedding is necessary, the essential needs of the nation shall be met by maintaining a priority service… This priority service shall allow the maintenance of the electricity supply to users falling into the following categories:

  • Hospitals, clinics and laboratories that cannot be disrupted without endangering human life and establishments whose cessation or abrupt reduction of activity would entail serious dangers for persons;
  •  Public road signs and lighting installations deemed essential to safety;
  • Industrial installations that cannot be disrupted without damage, particularly those of national defense interest.

OVHcloud is in constant and close contact with the public authorities. They have confirmed to us that load shedding is a last resort mechanism which, if necessary:

  • Be programmed at least 7 days in advance by TEN;
  • Be the subject of regular communications (Eco Watt application, social networks and press conferences) in the week preceding the implementation of the scheme as well as where as on the day of such implementation;
  • Would not affect affected subscribers for more than 2 hours per day.

OVHcloud will be able to fully compensate for these interruptions on its infrastructure.

In fact, OVHcloud has put in place several mechanisms ensuring the continuity of its business and services, in compliance with the applicable regulations.

Below is a summary of these devices and an overview of the energy capacities that will allow us to go through this unique period together:

  • Our Data Centers have a capacity for electrical autonomy that exceeds 2 hours of interruption: the autonomy of our sites around the world is between 24 hours and 128 hours, depending on the sites. In France, to date, all our sites have more than 48 hours of autonomy;
  • A fleet of high-performance generators, regularly checked:
    – All our generators are regularly tested, throughout the year, to verify that they are functioning properly;
    – In addition, all were re-tested in charge during the month September 2022;
    – Additional and enhanced verification of generators will be performed within the week preceding any load shedding. The starting of the generators would be done before the load-shedding time to further secure the flip-flop.
    – The architecture chosen by OVHcloud for its generators includes a back-up: a backup unit is deployed to all 3 generators and, in the event of a power cut, (i) all 4 generators start at the same time and (ii) if one of these 4 generators fails, the other 3 could compensate for it;
    – The indicators given above are based on the demand on our generators below their maximum efficiency;
  • A permanent human presence on site:
    – On our sites, technicians are present day and night, including weekends;
    – Specific electrical periodic penalty payments are put in place, one internal to OVHcloud and another external provider, in the event of a problem starting a generator;
  • Maximum and secure fuel oil supply:
    – All our fuel tanks are filled to the maximum;
    – All fuel suppliers are referenced and have indicated that they are able to deliver large quantities to us in an emergency (except in cases of major crisis with rationing decided by the State, which does not seem to be an option envisaged by the public authorities to date).

In addition, OVHcloud’s vertically integrated, innovation-driven industrial model uniquely limits our energy and water needs on the market, which has a virtuous effect on our electricity consumption.

OVHcloud’s multi-faceted and robust measures to protect its infrastructure will enable our customers and partners to continue to use our services in the event of a load shedding. We’re proud to help keep your business going.

We are proud to contribute to the sustainability of your business.

The OVHcloud team and Deveho Consulting Group.


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Contact us for more informations. 

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