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10 years Deveho Anniversary in Romania

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10 years Deveho Anniversary in Romania

We are celebrating 10 years Company Anniversary in Romania

The Deveho adventure started in Lyon, France and has developed over the years internationally.
We were pleased to open our office in 2012 in Bucarest, in Romania.

This year Deveho Consulting Group celebrated the 10th anniversary of their office in Romania!

Thank you to Angela Nistor from Rossmann Romania – Romcarton & Ambro, Luminita Bornoiu from Mazars Consulting, Lulia-Mura Borcăias from CCI Française en Roumanie, Iulia Anghel from HSH Chemie, but also Costin Daniel Leolea from Tale Travel, Delia Negoita from General Membrane, Florin Paul Baboi from Laboratoires Théa and Vasile Stefan from Industrial Montaj Sa for your testimonial.

Deveho is above all about you

We also want to thank our customers for their presence and for your continued trust and your commitment to our collective success: Agricost SA Braila, Industrial Montaj, CCIFER, Softlead, Cems EPC SA, HSH CHEMIE SRL, HSH ROMANIA SRL, LABORATOIRES THEA PHARMA SRL, SCA Duncea, Stefanescu si Asociatiin, AMBRO SA, Mazars Consulting SRL, TALE TRAVEL, Docprocess SA, Softlead, General Membrane.

Together, let’s boost your growth!

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