
in Romania

The RO e-Invoicing portal will be used to exchange invoices between public authorities (B2G) and, on a voluntary basis, between private companies (B2B). Electronic invoicing between companies won't be introduced gradually, but will be mandatory for all companies from 1st January 2024.

E-Invoicing system requirements

Electronic invoicing has emerged as a modern and efficient solution for managing business transactions on a global scale. In Romania, e-invoicing regulations have evolved to reflect this trend and encourage the adoption of more efficient methods.

Romania has developed several solutions to manage the rise of electronic invoicing:

On 15 December 2023, a set of modifications to the RO E-Transport System entered into force. Prior to publication of EGO no. 115/2023, the RO E-Transport system only applied in the case of the road transport of goods with high fiscal risk performed within Romania. This included various reporting obligations for entities involved in transactions with and/or the road transport of such goods.

However, with the new publication, the scope of the RO E-Transport system has been expanded to also include a reporting obligation for the international road transport of goods. Those transports shall be reported regardless of the nature of the goods (i.e., not only for goods with high fiscal risk).

Although the measures regarding the reporting of the international road transport of goods already came into effect on 15 December 2023, sanctions for non-compliance with the new obligations regarding the international road transport of goods enter into force as of July 1, 2024.

The obligation to declare in the RO E-Transport System the data related to the international transport of goods rests with the following users:

-The recipient listed in the import customs declaration or the sender listed in the export customs declaration, as applicable, for goods subject to import or export operations;
-the beneficiary in Romania in case of  intra-community acquisitions of goods;
-the supplier in Romania, in the case of intra-community deliveries of goods;
-the depository, in the case of goods subject to intra-community transactions in transit.

Regulatory environment for E-invoicing in Romania

The legal framework

The legal framework for e-invoicing in Romania is based on several laws and regulations. The main regulation is Law No. 177/2014 on Electronic Invoicing, which was adopted to align Romanian legislation with the European Directive 2010/45/EU. This Directive aims to harmonise the rules applicable to electronic invoicing within the European Union.

Obligations of companies

Romanian companies must comply with certain obligations when issuing e-invoices. These include the use of advanced electronic signatures that comply with the technical standards established by law. Electronic invoices must also be stored for a certain period of time and be accessible for audit purposes.

Technical standards

Romania has adopted the e-invoice format in accordance with the European standard EN 16931, thus promoting interoperability between e-invoicing systems at European level. These standards aim to facilitate cross-border exchanges and guarantee the legal validity of electronic invoices.

Benefits of
E-invoicing in Romania

Efficiency gains

The move to e-invoicing in Romania has significantly improved the efficiency of business processes. Companies benefit from shorter invoice processing times, lower printing and mailing costs, and increased workflow automation.

Reduced environmental impact

The adoption of e-invoicing is also in line with environmental sustainability. Reducing the use of paper helps to reduce deforestation and conserve natural resources.



L’adoption de la facturation électronique (ou E-invoicing) va accélérer le recouvrement et réduire les coûts de gestion des factures de toutes les entreprises. C’est quoi, une facture électronique / facture numérique ? Et à quoi sert de tout changer pour aller vers la dématérialisation des factures ?

SAGE – EQUATIONS, la facture électronique

La facture électronique va unifier l’ensemble des systèmes de gestion des entreprises autour de règles communes et de protocoles identiques. La digitalisation franchit ainsi une nouvelle étape, avec son lot de gisements de productivité et d’accélération de la rotation du cash. Et à travers cette intégration inédite, c’est aussi la valeur de la donnée qui se trouve décuplée .

Votre agenda 2023 pour la facture électronique

La facture électronique, une obligation pour toutes les entreprises.

La gestion financière moderne dans une ère de changements sans précédent

Les entreprises modernes ont besoin de rapidité et d’agilité, à commencer par les systèmes financiers et comptables qui sont la pierre angulaire de toutes les opérations.

L’environnement économique récent s’est considérablement complexifié, mettant en évidence un besoin croissant de réactivité à l’ère du numérique, mais les systèmes de gestion peinent encore à s’adapter aux évolutions des besoins des entreprises.